The Changing Landscape of Refrigerant Regulations: What Facilities Need to Know

New York's groundbreaking refrigerant regulations, which took effect January 9th, 2025, signal a significant shift in how facilities must manage their refrigeration systems. The requirements are immediate and substantial: any system using 200+ pounds of refrigerant must undergo quarterly inspections, while 1500+ lb systems require monthly monitoring. All leaks must be repaired within 14 days, and systems that continue to leak face mandatory retrofitting or shutdown within six months. By June 1st, 2025, all systems over 1,500 pounds must have automatic leak detection installed. And, requirements continue to pile up in the rest of 2025 and 2026.

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Amrit Robbins
Webinar Recap: Minimizing HFC leak rates TODAY during the 20+ year transition to natural refrigerants

As grocery retailers face a decades-long transition to natural refrigerants, managing HFC leaks has become an urgent priority for both environmental and financial reasons. This challenge was the focus of a recent NASRC webinar led by Axiom Cloud CEO Amrit Robbins on December 10th. The session explored how retailers can tackle refrigerant leaks now to achieve immediate cost savings and environmental benefits, rather than waiting for their eventual transition to CO2 systems to complete. With new EPA regulations looming and refrigerant costs continuing to climb, the discussion provided grocery operators with practical strategies for protecting both their bottom line and the environment during this extended transition period.

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Amrit Robbins
Do Retailers need to worry about AIM Act Compliance under Trump?

Project 2025, a conservative policy blueprint for a potential Republican administration, has raised questions about the future of HFC regulations under the American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act. While the document calls for repealing "unnecessarily stringent and costly" HFC regulations, grocery retailers should think carefully before delaying their compliance preparations. The business case for improved refrigerant management extends far beyond regulatory requirements, and the AIM Act itself rests on remarkably stable ground.

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Amrit Robbins
New Reporting Features Help Grocery Stores Navigate Complex EPA Refrigerant Requirements

The countdown to January 1, 2026 has begun for grocery retailers and cold storage operators across America. That's when the EPA will begin enforcing new refrigerant leak detection requirements under the AIM Act – and the penalties for non-compliance are steep. To help facilities prepare, we're excited to announce Enhanced Compliance Reporting, a new addition to our AI-powered Early Leak Detection system.

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Amrit Robbins
No New Hardware: Seamless Implementation of Axiom’s Early Leak Detection Module

For food retailers, managing refrigerant leaks is a critical task, but many detection systems place a heavy burden on operating budgets: the need to install and maintain hardware and monitoring sensors across many facilities. With regulations from the American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act coming into effect, grocery retailers will be required to install Automatic Lead Detection (ALD) systems. While the EPA lists 10 compliant options presently on the market, not all are created equal.

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Amrit Robbins
Break the Cycle of Ineffective Refrigeration Maintenance – Before It Breaks You

Every refrigerant leak undetected, every emergency call, every manual check that could be automated, is money down the drain. How much more money (or sanity) do you need to lose before making a change becomes a priority? Even small steps with Axiom Cloud can help reduce the noise, prioritize the critical issues, and free up time to focus on proactive maintenance instead of firefighting.

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Amrit Robbins