Refrigerant Leaks: A Triple Threat to Grocery Chains’ Sustainability, Compliance, and Costs
Refrigerants are among the most potent greenhouse gasses, with a global warming potential 1,500 to 5,000 times greater than carbon dioxide. Combine that with the staggering fact that 25% of refrigerant leaks out annually in the average grocery store, and you’re looking at a climate crisis in the making.
Refrigeration is the elephant in the room for grocery chains—impacting sustainability, compliance, energy use, and maintenance. Without control over this critical system, companies face challenges across all four areas. Refrigerant leaks are not just a sustainability issue; they’re a financial burden and a compliance risk.
The EPA’s AIM Act, enacted in 2020, is already considered one of the most impactful climate actions in U.S. history. Enforcement is serious, with significant fines for non-compliance. The EPA has made HFC enforcement a priority for the next four years, and grocery retailers will feel the pressure. Leaks are often the top driver of Scope 1 emissions and can lead to costly cooling outages.
The question isn’t if you should act, but how.
Axiom Cloud’s software-driven solution offers a fast, low-cost way to reduce leaks, cut emissions, and ensure compliance—without the need for on-site hardware or visits. If you’re serious about reducing costs and tackling emissions, it’s time to explore a solution that checks all the boxes.
Want to dive deeper into this urgent topic? This video from our CEO Amrit Robbins to see how Axiom Cloud can help your business tackle refrigerant leaks head-on.