Sprouts Farmers Market Case Study: Using AI-based “Automatic Leak Detection” to enable refrigerant leak rate reductions 

The Situation: 

The 200% surge in refrigerant costs within the food and grocery supply chain has become a pressing concern with huge repercussions on retailer profits. This price spike, coupled with a persistent 25% annual refrigerant leak rate, underscores the urgent need for grocery retailers to take proactive measures. 

Refrigerant leaks not only strain business finances but also contribute significantly to environmental harm, accounting for over 50% of a store’s Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions. 

To address these challenges, industry players must prioritize adopting advanced leak detection (ALD). Failure to do so risks substantial financial losses for grocers and exacerbates environmental degradation. However, are sensor-based ALD methods and indirect ALD methods created equal?

The Test: Axiom Cloud's Early Leak Detection (ELD) Module vs. Industry-standard Maintenance Service with Leak Detection Sensors

Sprouts Farmer’s Market  integrated Axiom Cloud’s Early Leak Detection (ELD) Model into operations, observing the performance of its real-time AI-driven software against the chain’s current sensor-based leak detection method.

In a real-world deployment scenario at 115 Sprouts stores across California, Axiom's ELD Module outperformed the industry-standard maintenance service (“the Alternative”) in a head-to-head test from April to December 2023. 

Results and Benefits for Sprouts’ Bottom Line:

Over those first nine months of operation, Axiom identified 21 leaks that the Alternative solution missed completely. For the 11 leaks that both companies identified, Axiom flagged leaks 47 days earlier, on average.

Moreover, Axiom's early detection capabilities potentially saved Sprouts from losing over 5,500 additional pounds of refrigerant, highlighting how its superior performance has significant cost-saving benefits.

Axiom’s technology could enable Sprouts to save an estimated 11,071 lbs/yr of refrigerant, 7,397 lbs of which could have been prevented over the course of a year. Assuming a 24% baseline for leaks, that’s a 40% decrease in leaks in their California stores with Axiom vs. a 14% decrease with the Alternative solution.

  • Axiom caught 11 of the 14 leaks caught by the Alternative solution (79%)

    • Note: 2 of 3 “alternative solution only” leaks were caught AFTER receiver levels had already flatlined at 0%.

  • The Alternative solution entirely missed 21 of the 32 leaks that Axiom caught (66%)

  • For leaks caught by both Axiom and alternative solution, Axiom caught them 47 days earlier on average

Axiom Cloud's Early Leak Detection module has emerged as a vital tool for the grocery industry in addressing the challenges posed by refrigerant leaks. By combining advanced AI-driven technology with real-time monitoring and early detection capabilities, Axiom offers grocers a sustainable and cost-effective solution to mitigate environmental impact and safeguard operational efficiency. As the grocery industry continues to prioritize sustainability and cost optimization, Axiom's ELD module stands out against the more common sensor-based alternatives as a more effective solution.

For more information on our performance, see the full results of our case study here.

Amrit Robbins